May 18, 2012

Where is God?

The church - not the building or a particular location, but the gathered and sent people of God - is where God chooses to live.

Think on that for a while.

Let that thought sit with you for a while...The church is where God chooses to live.

When we see the pain, suffering, and the evil in the world today we can't help but wonder where God is.

Where is this God who is just in the world where terrorists kill?

Where is this God who is loving when there are people dying by the thousands even though there is more than enough food?

Where is this God who loves and wants what is best for people when there are children hiding from the very people who should be loving them and protecting them instead of abusing them?

Where is God?

It's not as if God didn't know what kind of a world we would find ourselves in 2012.

He knows.

He knew from the beginning what our world would be like.

So what was God's grand plan to deal with the hurting the tragedies of the world?

And this is what still gets me.

God's plan is two fold: there is an ultimate plan and a temporal plan.

God's ultimate plan is that he will come back to rule and judge. And upon his return, everything will be made right and all will be held accountable. I get that.

But this is what really gets me. In the mean time, until God returns, God's temporal plan for the suffering and the injustice of the world is the church.

The church - the gathered and sent imperfect, fallible, sinful people of God - is the body of Christ.

The church - the gathered and sent imperfect, fallible, sinful people of God - We are the hands and feet through whom God intends to love the world that is hurting.

I can't help but want to ask God, are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this?

And the question gets reflected right back.

Where is God?

Where is God when there is suffering?

Where is God? 

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